logo and title image for Facebook VDP Remarketing

Dealer eProcess’ inventory-based remarketing allows dealers to follow customers to Facebook and Instagram with images of the exact vehicles they browsed on your website along with similar vehicles. A click on one of these ads will direct a shopper right back to the VDP.

smartphone with Facebook VDP on screen

When shoppers see an ad that is relevant to their needs, they are far more likely to engage with it than an ad that doesn’t speak to them.


  • 1.59 billion monthly active users with 22 billion ad clicks per year on Facebook

  • Age 25 to 34 is the most common age demographic at 30% of users
  • Average time spent per Facebook visit is 50 minutes a day which is almost as much time as people spend eating and drinking daily!
  • People with smartphones check their Facebook page an average of 14 times a day


desktop monitor displays Facebook VDP